5 Ideas to get Highly Paid Computer Science Internship

5 Ideas to get Highly Paid Computer Science Internship An internship in computer science is arguably one of the most highly coveted jobs in the digital age. In a typical apprenticeship program in a traditional business setting, a trainee applies for the position to learn on the job, usually without pay. The program is commonly…


How You Can Work as a Teacher in Arkansas

HOW YOU CAN WORK AS A TEACHER IN ARKANSAS Becoming a teacher in any area can be a fascinating, rewarding, and varied career. If you are living in Arkansas or maybe planning to move there, there are plenty of opportunities for working as a teacher in the state. With a population of over three million,…


The Future of Work: Who Benefits and Who Doesn’t

The Future of Work: Who Benefits and Who Doesn’t  As industries continue to grapple with the effects of the pandemic, millions of workers have been caught in the crisis. Just last month, over 13 million Americans were reported as unemployed, a big jump from the count in February which stood at nearly six million. Meanwhile,…


How to Use Zoom? A Guide for Teachers & Parents

How to Use Zoom? A Guide for Teachers & Parents Just a few months back, education had the least virtual aspects. It all used to be physical classes, lectures, presentations, and that’s it. Amid COVID-19 pandemic, education got to meet some virtual horizons. Traditional physical education got shifted to either partial or complete online education.…