Self Driving Cars in ROS

Self Driving Cars for Kids


Self Driving Cars or Robot is the future and people with these skills have high demand
all over the world. In this course the kids will be developing the basic self driving cars
and autonomous robots to understand the implementation of Computer Vision, Artificial
Intelligence and ROS.

Student Learning Outcomes:
• Understanding of Computer Vision
• Hands-on with OpenCV
• Camera interfacing with Raspberry Pi
• Understanding different algorithms of Computer Vision
• Computer vision on Raspberry Pi
• Artificial Intelligence
• ROS (Robot Operating System)

• Raspberry Pi Advance Kit
• Internet
• Laptop/desktop
• Pre-request Course: Computer Vision with Raspberry Pi

Next Course:
Students will be able to take our next course “PCB Designing”

Course Outline Self DRIVING CARS

Following is the course outline

Introduction To Autonomous Cars Or Self Driving Cars

Getting Started With ROS – Robot Operating Systems

Installing ROS Libraries

Python Code For Publishers And Subscribers

Installing Turtlesim Simulation

Introduction To ROS Packages

Concepts Of Local Area Network

Concept SSH

Remote Control Car In ROS Environment

Image Processing In ROS

Augmented Reality Tags

Self Driving Car Algorithms

Testing Of Autonomous Car


Certificate Distribution

About Us

EDVON is the unique online 1:1 live coding, robotics and mathematics program based on STEAM philosophy that will help your kids to be successful in future, by teaching them highly demanding 21st century technical and soft skills.